Stornoway Black Pudding 


The Award-Winning Stornoway Black Pudding 1.3kg


"MacLeod and MacLeod ‘Original’ Stornoway Black Pudding maintains the subtle flavors that only come from blending the finest Scottish oatmeal with the freshest onion, piquant spices, and beef suet, married together with fresh blood, to produce a pudding that people have come to enjoy for nearly eighty years."


You are buying a whole black pudding, approximately 1.3 kg. Produced in Stornoway by MacLeod and MacLeod butchers who started in 1929 and have served the island communities of Lewis and Harris with the finest quality meat products.


Stornoway black pudding is made exclusively in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, it has an important place in Scottish culinary tradition. Its high quality and excellent flavor have been celebrated, but not everyone knows the whole story. To help you understand the history and importance of Stornoway black pudding, we have compiled a list of facts that may surprise you.


It was under threat by 'impostors'

In 2009, the Stornoway black pudding was under threat. Black puddings labeled as “Stornoway” were being made outside of the Western Isles, causing the authentic Isle of Lewis butchers to suffer.

At the time, more than 1,500 people signed a petition to stop the misuse of the Stornoway label. It has been granted a protected status


Campaigners finally saw success in May 2013, when Stornoway Black Pudding was granted protected status by the European Union. It was granted a PGI (or Protected Geographical Indicator of Origin), meaning that producers outside of Stornoway could no longer use the “Stornoway” label.